Tuesday 7 April 2009

A walk in the park

I love it and I love it wildly. It is all of those superlatives as well as being the embodiment of Joan in the 70's. I imagine that she would turn up to some overly exuberant pool party wearing it, a bottle of chili ed Cinzano in her oversized clutch (NO! Not that one pictured, you are right, it is wrongness made in to baggage) with a young boy or two in tow. I doubt she would even whip it off to sunbathe or take a dip in the pool as that would mean getting her barnet wet and/or perspiring and I can't see her going in for that. No, she would just lounge in it and be adored and adorable and badda bing badda boom that makes it work for me.

Additionally it must be remembered that we are creeping ever closer to 'Lucinda and Hayley drink booze from flasks in the Queen's parks' season and the length of a beskirted outfit takes on even greater importance than normal. I debated a mini (with it's own conveniently built in hips!) yesterday but discarded it purely because I wouldn't be able to sit on a picnic rug in it and still maintain my dignity. So I am all for a long flowy glammy number. CUTE!

p.s. I had quite forgotten about the Rossiter Collins Cinzano ads. That bottle of in the photo brings back a few memories. I can summarize with a simple formula... a young me + access to drinks cabinet x a heady few hours = a lifelong suspicion of fragrant vermouths with snazzy titles.

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