I thought I was so clever. So damn clever. I thought I was getting away with it. But the inevitable has happened. They are on to me.
I know that my venture into the corporate world proved something of a surprise for many of mes amis. And I know the thing that scared me more than anything else was that I would have to wear some hideous skirt suit every day. And that I have managed to get away with murder by tripping into work in my cute (and decidedly uncorporate) outfits, which has surprised not a few people.
But that is all coming to an end. Having decided that redundancy is just so terribly
passé I have sealed the deal on another six months of gainful employment. But it has come with conditions. In fact, just one condition. That I change the way I dress. I ask you! The very cheek of it!
I believe the pertinent words, ones that chill me to the very bone, were: CONSERVATIVE and CORPORATE. Gah! It makes me shudder and gag just to think of it. I feel that my very soul is being torn out of me. That I am being asked to compromise all that I hold dear.
And I am not just exaggerating for comic effect, either.
I think the smart office dress is the
only way to go. So what do you think to these?

(Image via Oasis)
Actually please ignore this one - I went to try it on and the fabric is awful and the shape does nothing for me...

(Image via Marks and Spencer)
(Image via Topshop)
(Image via Reiss)I have had second thoughts about this one too - it is too "Hey I'm not being too corporate corporate" if you get what I mean.