Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Call It A Day
Darling, I know how much you love the Saturdays, and particularly their style. So I just had to make sure you knew that they have designed a range with Rare (no, me neither...) and have kindly modelled it above. At least I assume that is them.
So, let's see what we've got, shall we?
1. Wet look wild west hooker.
Pull Your Finger Out
Monday, 29 June 2009
Giving The Finger
The Mutt's Nuts
(Image via handbag.com)
This is the new advertising campaign for Moncler. It is potentially the best advert I have ever seen. Big up dogs in jackets! Woof, Woof!
Gaga at Glasto
Holy Toledo! Did you see her performance at Glastonbury? It was only The. Best. Thing. I. Have. Ever. Ever. Seen. Ever!!!!!
She was so fierce and put on an awesome show. Seriously, she put everyone else in the shade. FIVE COSTUME CHANGES! At Glastonbury! The girl means business!
My love for her grows by the second. And I saw the Paparazzi video which is insane and wonderful. She can do no wrong in my eyes. I just wait with bated breath until the next amazing thing she does.
A Change Would Do You Good
Really, I start hitting the prozac or the bottle if I wear the same outfit twice in a fortnight. And if I was going to set about on such a hideous experiment I would at least pick something cute to wear. For A Year. She is clearly a masochist of the most hardcore variety, there is no other explanation. Although there is a man I know who owns an undisclosed number of trekking shirts that are exactly the same and it wouldn't occur to me for a second to judge him, so maybe I should be more charitable towards Ms. Matheiken. Maybe.
Commitment Issues
Friday, 26 June 2009
Cheap At Half the Price
Jordan is such a tireless self-promoter. But evidently she is taking some time off thinking about herself in order to advertise the plight of this little fella.
I didn't see that coming.
Oh, and probably the less said about the che-faux the better. Plus, in a room of terminally tanned people she looks positively radioactive.
The Price Is Right
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Sack It Off
Hit the Sack
But on to more pressing business... I loathe that Warehouse thing. Loathe it. While I see where you are going with it (I fell for something similar with the nude and the neon in M&S and really had to talk myself out of it because the shape and fit really weren't doing me any favours) and I don't blame you for having your head turned I would just like to point out, and do so with love, that it is really, really gross. Please don't buy it.
The shape is just so blah and the colours aren't nearly bright enough to be Nicollsesque and the blending of colours makes it look as if they have been sprayed on. It reminds me of an abstract recurring nightmare that I used to have as a youth that was so horrible that I used to wake up and vomit. Shudder.
Plus the only way that I could imagine you wearing that would be as the sweet young thing of some sugar daddy, lounging by the pool in high heeled mules with lots of gold jewellery, a ciggie permanently in your mouth, a cocktail in hand from 10am, a deep perma-tan gracing your epidermis, lazily wondering if your hubbie has cottoned on to the fact that you are furiously cuckholding him with Diego, the pool boy. Now stop. STOP! I know, I know what you are thinking. That is all sounding pretty good to you, isn't it? Don't be coy! I know it is. But really, darling, think of the Head...
So, in a word: NO!
A Real Piece of Work
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
All Work And No Play Makes Lucinda a Dull, Dull Girl
I know that my venture into the corporate world proved something of a surprise for many of mes amis. And I know the thing that scared me more than anything else was that I would have to wear some hideous skirt suit every day. And that I have managed to get away with murder by tripping into work in my cute (and decidedly uncorporate) outfits, which has surprised not a few people.
But that is all coming to an end. Having decided that redundancy is just so terribly passé I have sealed the deal on another six months of gainful employment. But it has come with conditions. In fact, just one condition. That I change the way I dress. I ask you! The very cheek of it!
I believe the pertinent words, ones that chill me to the very bone, were: CONSERVATIVE and CORPORATE. Gah! It makes me shudder and gag just to think of it. I feel that my very soul is being torn out of me. That I am being asked to compromise all that I hold dear.
And I am not just exaggerating for comic effect, either.
I think the smart office dress is the only way to go. So what do you think to these?
(Image via Reiss)
Sack Race?
Jolly Roger
OMG, I am borderline obsessed with Roger Federer's tennis outfits. I want him to win every damn match he plays, but mostly because I adore the way he dresses. Didn't he wear a leather belt with his shorts last Wimbledon? Ouch! That's so mean! I was devastated when he didn't win and that comically muscled, rodentine Spaniard who was constantly picking his underwear out of his backside robbed him of his trophy.
Look at them! It's clear who deserved to win...
I can't get enough of his monograms and crests and knitted items and blazers. With the exception of his headband, which I could happily catapult off centre court, he looks like he could be knocking around a few balls at Gatsby's.
Then of course Nuclear Wintour loves him, and she is always right.
IN OTHER TENNIS NEWS: I also love Serena's outfit, she is rocking those harems, only I do wish she would take her fist out of the pocket. What is she doing in there? It looks as though she has some sort of tumorous growth. Ick. But I do love her, mostly since she wore this outfit:
Just Do It
...you might as well, like...
REALLY do it.
He's going to get awfully hot in all those layers though you know.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Blood on the Dance Floor
I have succumbed to a disco dancing injury. Miss Keddie and I danced the night away at the Kensington Roof Gardens on Saturday night. It was fabulous! Except that once we had decided that the scene was getting tired and that we should skedaddle we crossed the floor one last time at which point some oaf jumped on my foot in some misguided attempt at dancing. I gasped in pain, pushing past the brute who didn't even acknowledge his egregious behaviour, and went to bid adieu to my dancing compadres. As I stood there I looked down to find my foot bleeding quite enthusiastically and not a small amount of my haemoglobin decorating the floor.
I will spare further details for those of a delicate and squeamish disposition, suffice it to say that I will be having trouble finding comfortable footwear for a good few days. What an absolute bore...
Saturday, 20 June 2009
New Balls Please!
I wouldn't trust her with a length of yarn and a needle let me tell you. But I saw her in the Lauren sequined harems pants and lo and behold (and despite my better judgement) I liked it! Yeah! I know!
(Image via Contact Music)
Glad to Be Of Service (Or Not)
I apologise for the delay and any inconvenience to your onward journey, but I tell you what it was all I could do to just keeping sitting upright and breathing yesterday, such was my hangover. One too many glasses of pink wine at our local on Thursday darling. Agh. However, I am now back in the room and it appears you managed just fine without me!
So well done for braving office and actually getting someone to serve you rather than gazing at themselves in the full length admiring thier hair and CHEWING. Always with the CHEWING! They're lovely and I think when it comes to a glad a gentle metallic is always a winner. I like the other pair too. Bravo that girl.
Friday, 19 June 2009
An Office(r) and a Gentleman
I have a chequered past with Office. Their service is often hideous. And more recently all their shoes have been gross. But pop in there I did. And I thought the ones above were quite a good substitute. What say you? I purchased them, but I'm not quite sure...
What I am sure about is this pair:
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Glad Hand
Brook No Resistance
Those jewelled headbands make me think of Louise Brooks and Clara Bow and all sorts of hedonistic delights. I love Miss. Brooks. I think she is just about the most sensual minx to have ever graced the silver screen. So anything that brings her to mind can only be good.
I like the ones on the right in particular. So as long as you wear it up in the hair rather than like the hippy girl then you have my benediction. And hopefully that would stop the ping-age too.
Honestly though, what was that poor girl thinking? Clearly at the moment the picture was taken she was realising that she had made a fundamental and significant mistake. And that there was photographic evidence. And querying whether she could make a break for it and escape into the bosom of a local convent to be surrounded by nuns who wouldn't condemn and berate her for her woeful sartorial choices before any one else spotted her. But beforehand? In her house? On the way to the event? Why did no one stop her? Is she entirely friendless in the world? Does no one care???
I hate the feather monstrosity atop Miss Holden too, but her wild west brothel madam schtick amuses me at least. The other lady is just a little trajique. Worst of all that god damned behemoth of a bow looks as though it might have been hastily fashioned from her bed sheets. Don't you think? I fear her head might topple under the weight. Or that she might cry.