Monday 2 March 2009

40s fabulousness

Oh, my darling! I honestly couldn't be any more pleased that you have had inspiration from 40s style hair. The source of the inspiration might be a little unexpected, but I can let that go. I personally was always slightly confused by the juxtaposition of Jane's incredibly perfect athlete's body and her sweetly rounded face which one often finds accompanying a passion for a cream cake or two.

But anyway, I digress. I am beyond excited at the thought of a glossy waved concoction atop your noggin. I really think you could carry it off so well. It is super glam without looking as though you have tried too hard, effortless, feminine in the extreme and sophisticated.

This era for fashion and hair and make up just makes me go a little gooey in the middle, it is so pretty and sexy but also fiesty. These women aren't taking no messing, see?!

So go ahead with my benediction! I thoroughly approve, and can't wait to see what look you go for. I personally think the less contrived the better, let the shine and the wave speak for itself. Channel Rita or Veronica and nothing can go wrong! Oh, and you must start perfecting your wise cracks, they are a required element of 40s style, don't cha know!

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