Wednesday 29 April 2009

Goldie Looking Dame

Would you Adam and Eve it? I love Overboard too! It was on tv recently, one Sunday afternoon, and instead of doing sensible things like laundry and balancing my cheque book I sat and watched the whole thing. Minus the first part where she is rich and mean, so I had clean forgotten the AWESOME epaulettes outfit.
I applaud your vision of being on holiday. Why not go all out? As long as you wear those sunglasses. Tee, hee!!
Shall I admit something potentially embarrasing? I remember watching Bird on a Wire when it first came out on video (so I was probably about 11) and there is an outfit that Goldie wears that I remember thinking was just about the most chic thing I had ever seen.

I am not quite sure how I feel about it now...

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