How funny! I have always hated a sheer black tight. I don't know why, I have always just found them super trashy. You know, like the ones that Melanie Griffiths wears in Working Girl. But I have been more and more drawn to them over the last few months, and today, yes indeed this very day, I actually put some on and I love them! I even love the thought of ones with a very small polka dot.
I was thinking that I was leaning more towards the 40s lady-like thing, and I do really want to do the whole belted sophistication with a fur tippet and elbow length leather gloves and a beret, but what with my ginormous shoulder pad obsession maybe there is room to look like I am in the Addicted to Love video.
I don't get the Paris connection, but let's do it. I am all for turning the big smoke into gay Paris! How chic! Plus I'm sure Jerry would approve!

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